Hi - I'm Jess. I'm
- 21
- An INTP (probably)
- From the UK
And with me is Kimn, my tulpa, and the namesake of this website. She's a vocal ENFP who takes human form.
My interests include
- Linux & FOSS Software
- Silly internet things
- Literature
I'm here because
- I want to write, and be a better writer—I feel any writing skill I had has gone down the drain
- I want to make neocities friends!
- Web, and homemade HTML more specifically, is my favourite way for me to communicate. Truly the illuminated
manuscript of the modern day!
My favourites:
- Color—majenta. (255, 0, 255)—exactly the opposite of green (my least favourite). Those are just the colors I
like in a vaccum, and every colour is beautiful in context.
- Animal—I'm not sure yet, but it'll be whatever is my spirit animal when I find that out. For now, my favourites
are deer and cats.
- Subjects—math and theoretical computer science.
- Movie—threads, probably.
- Fiction Book—Piranesi.