Circle waves—PLEASE HELP ME

Hi, just a short post about something that's been absolutely killing me.
If you know anything about music synthesizers, then you'll know that they can produce different wave forms like
  • Sine Waves
  • Square Waves
  • Sawtooth Waves
  • Triangle Waves
  • etc etc...

And you make these waves by layering a bunch of sine waves on top of one another until you get the desired result—with something called a fourier transform which I'm not nearly smart enough to understand how to do.
Anyway, the point of the article is that surely we can do this for a wave that's made out of circles—one that looks a bit like this:

Instead of intersecting the x axis at a 45 degree angle, it would intersect at a 90 degree one. Surely it would be possible to make her using the fourier transform? If you think you could have a stab at this, I've been itching to hear what it sounds like for almost a year now.

That being said, I wouldn't expect it to sound particularly ethereal or special, as they all seem to be on a fuzziness spectrum with the pure sine being at perfect smoothness, and the square wave being at perfect fuzziness. In other words I'd just expect it to sound like a slightly buzzier square wave. But if you can, do it just for the sake of science and make sure to email me about it!