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Things and men, silly problems, and silly solutions

What is a Tulpa, really?


Tulpa-Assisted Advanced Symbolic Externalisation

~ Tulpa Lounge ~

So, what's up with this place? Isn't there already a tulpa zone?
Yes, there is. That's where all my guides are. While this site is a permenant mess, if you excuse the magical language, the idea is as such:

The tulpa zone is a spellbook, wheras the tulpa lounge is a grimoire.

The tulpa zone contains the distillate, filtered through the results and the opinions of others, giving pure and effective advice for tulpamancers. The tulpa lounge is for those curious of my own practice, my current research, and the philosophy underpinning it. Not long ago, I made the commitment to myself and to my tulpa to push the boundaries of tulpamancy as best I can. Here, I will show all my results (including null results), my current experiments, and my methodology. Safe to say, I have a long way to go before I can do anything that could be considered "pushing boundaries". I have not yet mastered posession, and I have only one(ish) tulap(s). That being said - I hope you enjoy your stay, and feel free to relax on any of the floating chaise lounges.

What is a tulpa, really?

I mean, beneath it all - how does a tulpa work under the surface? What happens in the mind to produce the phenomenon of a tulpa?

Just a warning, this is going to sound a little psychoanalytic - I'm going to be making up theoretical constructs that don't actually exist in the brain but are useful nonetheless.

Tulpamancy, as I'm sure we all know, originated in buddhist practice. When one performs buddhist meditation, there are many aspects - but one key one is the practicioner comes to learn that one is not one's thoughts - anatta. Instead, thoughts are something that bubble up from some place within us (or from without us, if you're into that kinda thing) and we can choose to simply observe them, like clouds floating across the sky.

Tulpas are a natural extension of this concept. Though meditation, we learn to stop attributing thoughts to ourselves. But, what if we take this one step further, and we start attributing our thoughts to someone else? This, I believe, is the central concept of tulpa creation. To take some of the thoughts bubbling up within you, and to relinquish ownership of them to someone other than yourself. Non-tulpamancers do this, but only to a small extent. We go over how conversations with others could have gone, in our heads - conjuring up some simulacrum of a friend, wrenching them from the real world to trap in our heads. But the non-tulpamancer does not fool herself completely in this endeavour, and the responses from these projected images of people are flat and uninspired. When you argue with a friend in your head, you always win the argument.

The tulpa differs from this simple projection of a person because the tulpamancer has completely convinced herself that the tulpa is separate. The thoughts bubble up. Some thoughts are attributed to the tulpamancer. Some thoughts are attributed to the tulpa. Because we have imparted the tulpa with the magical combination of thoughts and ego, she is now autonomous. She is now a true tulpa. One piece of evidence I can offer for this is the thought collision. This happens when a thought bubbling up has ownership claims staked by tulpa and host simultaneously - and tulpa and host therefore simultensously think or say the precise same thing. It is perhaps hard to explain fully, but every tulpamancer who this has happened to can see that this is what had happened, as opposed to tulpa and host coincidentally thinking the same thing. It physically feels like tulpa and host have hooked on to the same thought and bumped their heads together in the process.

tl;dr a tulpa is an ego that takes some thoughts your subconcious was having and takes ownerhsip of them, sending them out loud and clear

Tulpa-Assisted Advanced Symbolic Externalisation


I'm a real sucker for scientific sounding names. To summarise in a sentence: As tulpamancy in general is convincing yourself that some of your thoughts are not your own, this method is convincing yourself that your anxieties belong to someone else. In certain therapies, “symbolic externalisation” is used. This is where a therapist or counsellor will ask you to project your anxieties/fears/grief/anger on to a symbolic object (common ones are sand, or water), and then to discard/forgive/destroy the object. In the case of water, you can do all sorts of things. You can imagine all of your anxieties going in to it as some sort of a cleansing ritual, and then you can pour it down a drain. I believe, too, some magickal practitioners, like to use this method. Much like tulpamancy itself, it matters not if you want to put a psychological coat of paint on the method, or a magickal one.

Discovery and Development of the Proposed Technique

The idea here was to take this powerful method used by many, and to strengthen it with tulpamancy. I found this usage almost by accident, as I had put a picture on my wall which I look to when I feel anxious, projecting my anxieties on to it. Usually, I am never an anxious person, though something happened a few months before I put up the photo which made me often quite anxious. Simply looking at the photo, projecting my anxiety on to this photo of an anxious man helped greatly. I would imagine how anxious he felt, and the many severe reasons he had for feeling so anxious. Essentially I was spending a good deal of time imagining a person. I wanted to extend this method with tulpamancy.

The tulpa’s “blueprint” was essentially very well-formed already, as the man in the picture was a fictional character that had some something terrible, and he was sitting there anxiously waiting for the consequences of his actions. This made it exceedingly easy to form the tulpa. As all I had to o was base it off him.

Why the Technique is Effective

It is my belief that the technique works as well as it does primarily because you are interacting with a tulpa that (1) is much more anxious than yourself and (2) has good reason to be anxious (plus the additional anxieties that you shift to it). Essentially, you feel better because (1) look at this sucker he really messed it up, what I’m anxious about isn’t so bad and (2) I’m sending all my anxiety over to him. As horrible as it sounds, it always feels good to compare yourself to somebody else and see you’re doing better.

The second reason the technique is more effective than the ‘standard’ one is that it can be done at any time and in any place, and it does not require any materials or ritual to be performed. The whole reason the standard technique uses some external thing like water or sand is precisely because it is external. The only way to shift your emotions to something external without anything external is by convincing yourself that some part of you is external. And hence, the tulpa. I also think the simple fact that the thing you’re shifting the emotions to is essentially conscious must help, as well. You can ‘see’ the effect of your shifting, this way, in that the tulpa becomes more anxious. The sand on the other hand seems ambivalent as ever.

Applying the Technique to Your Own Practice

See the article in the tulpa playground!

On The Ethics of the Technique

Essentially, I believe the technique to be ethical because, to me, it really does seem that this tulpa stops existing once I am no longer focusing on it. The word tulpa in and of itself may not be exactly correct, as it does not really ever take agency in the world, or in my eyes have any sort of will of its own. Perhaps servitor may be a more fitting word, even though it doesn’t really perform a task. Point is it feels separate from me, though, and that to me is the main thing about tulpamancy – convincing yourself that some of your thoughts are not your own. (If it’s not already up I hope to expand on my views on tulpa ethics soon in the philosophy section)

Happy tulping love you all <3


If you browse the forums, the subreddit, or anywhere else, really, you'll notice that basically all of the issues people encounter with tulpamancy will be one of these three:
  • 3. The strangest, most detached-from-reality, completely unhinged issue you've ever seen
I won't list the unhinged issues here, for reasons which will become clear soon. (except for one famous example).

You read what these people write and you just think "my god you poor thing what's wrong with you you've just gone completely insane what do you mean your one tulpa tried to take control of another tulpa and then you got forcibly switched with them by mistake and cant change back and your other tulpa has just gone dormant completely god go get help" or something to that effect. I mean just consdier what everybody on that person's street is thinking about or going through - from as mundane as processing an Amazon return to as deep as processing grief, unless they are in deep and severe psychosis whatever is in their head doesn't hold a candle to the absolute absurdity of the tulpamancers problems.

I've only ever seen this level of silliness in Carl Jung's Red Book. And this is where 'mancers can look to when they're dealing with the silliest problems of their lives.
I can't be bothered to find where he says it, but it's pretty early on in the book, and he basically warns those who try his active imagination to do it by night, being an upstanding and productive member of society by day. Keep one foot in reality as you venture in to the desert, he says. Have friends (not on the tulpas discord) and do things in real life, and you'll be fine. He went on the silliest of advantues, meeting characters like Elijah and Salome, visiting oases as he wanders. Entering rooms completely filled with blood.

Point is, tulpamancy is allowed (and sometimes supposed) to be scary. You might not always be in complete control, and a big aspect of tulpamancy is relinquishing at least some of your control, the privacy of your thoughts, and such. Just keep one foot in reality. Phone your mother sometimes, go out with friends, work at your job. You'll be fine and you're allowed to go a little insane from time to time, as a treat.

What do you do when you get a silly problem, though? Something that's so serious to you, yet that's utterly absurd. My advice is to try a silly solution. I did something in the physical world that left anxious for months. Sparing details I fixed it with a very silly solution, it was as simple as putting up an image of a movie actor on my wall that I look at from time to time. And that was for a more real issue, too. Issues that occur solely in the astral plane can have even stranger or sillier solutions. Perhaps a Jackie-Chan tulpa to sort your other tulpas out isn't a half bad idea?

You've tried silly solutions, but nothing's worked? To keep with as Jung said you would never be able to ask for help form anyone. Separation of the world of things and men and the astral world, as he puts it, is paramount. But lucky for us, Jung lived before the internet. What you can do when you need help is to bring the internet into the astral plane with you! You don't have to count the internet as the world of things and men - it lives in the cloud and nobody knows where that is. It's as real as a dream. When things are all made anonymous and you're not even talking to people you know from the world of things and men, that is when you can ask away, and have the questions be as silly as you'd like.

I've never had to ask about a truly silly problem. I've managed to solve them all with silly solutions. But if I needed to ask one, that's how I'd do it.

TL:DR - touch grass frequently, recognise tulpa problems are silly, combat them with silly solutions, and ask for help anonymously to keep your foot in reality separate from your foot in the tulpa world.

Happy tulping love you all <3